Thursday, April 28, 2011


- So in retrospect, breaking up has at least been very good fodder for poetry.  I could say something about the pain being like a purifying fire - which is an attractive analogy, but I'm not sure how true it really is. Purification implies the removal of impurities, of things that are not "of the form" that we try to purify. Yes, we learn, but how much of it sinks in?  How often do we fall for the same type of person, thinking that somehow it will be different this time?  Or even fall for the same person over and over - forgetting how incompatible you are until after you are back together again... Is that really purification that we went through then, or is it a pain response because we don't like change?
In any event, here's another poem from 1993.

Storm - By Dave Cox

The realization struck me softly-
It's approach not heralded by claxons or clarions,
it's eminent impact upon my life not foreshadowed or predicted,
nor its tearing of my soul anticipated - like the calm before the storm.

And so when the impact came, I was not prepared.
I was not braced for the power of its blow,
nor was I ready to grasp at the shards of my reality as they swept past me.
I could only stand, dumbfounded, and stare at the destruction of my tiny world.

And now I try to assess the damage that has been done.
Years of dreams, irreparably bent and torn.
My strongest trust somehow quivering in a pathetic show of disgust.
My dearest friend distant and cold.

I Wonder if the storm has passed, or if I am merely in the eye.
I wonder if the chill before me is only a passing front, or a new way of life.
And if I stand in the eye, then can I survive the rest?
Or Will it pass over me in its might, in its glory, and leave nothing to recall?

(C) 2011 Dave Cox

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