Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Perfect Love

- One of the themes of our societal programming is this concept of a single perfect love, one person that would meet all of our needs as a being, spirit, creature, lover, whatever. Because of that belief, the relationships that didn't work, were signs of failure, instead of learning experiences.  They were a burden to be worked through and moved on from, instead of being beautiful moments in attempt to make something that was right for those people at that time.  From that belief, came the recurring plea for "the right one to come along".
I think this was about 1988 or so.

My Perfect Love

I know she's out there somewhere - my perfect love
I feel her on occasion, as the wind sweeps by my face,
I turn in hopes to see her - my perfect love
if only for a moment, a passing shade of grace.
Several times I thought I found her - my perfect love
and several times, I've been wrong.

(c) 2011 Dave Cox

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