Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Documenting a life

I have here in front of me a pile of papers, many of them weathered and barely legible, some neatly bound, others crumbled.  Most are hand written, and even the writing is a testament to the span of their presence - I see the different styles, weights and angles that I've had in my writing over the years.  These are poems, lyrics to songs and general musings that I've created over my life.  They have been sitting in a folder in the dark for years, doing no-one any good.  Well, I've decided to start bringing them out, a little bit at a time, into the ether of knowledge that is the Internet.

Maybe someone will resonate with them. Maybe someone will see something new, or remember something old, or dream a little dream from the seeds here planted.

They served their purpose as a way to move feelings and birth thoughts into the world - and so now, I send them forth.

Let me know what you think.  Eventually, I hope to also figure out how to post some songs here or elsewhere.

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