- Another song, on transition, after breaking up with my first girlfriend. Seemed so strange that we were so much a part of each others every day lives one day, and then this thing happens and we "broke up", and now, our lives are separate. I remember soon after breaking up, having a dream that the break up was actually a nightmare that I was dreaming, and that we were still together - and then waking up, and realizing that in fact, life was the nightmare. No date on it, but it must have been when I was 17, so 1983ish...
A Candle in the night
You're like a candle in the night,
yet you ask me to look away, from you, the only light,
and find my way, back home in the dark,
without a candle in the night.
Like a candle in the night,
one point of interest in a dreary sea
yet with your light I saw the world before me,
by the light of a candle in the night.
(C) 2011 Dave Cox
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